The Dos and Don’ts of a Healthy Diet for Dogs

Adopting a dog is a big responsibility. Like a child, a dog needs proper care, attention and nutrition to stay healthy. What you feed your furry friend and what feeding schedule you follow has a significant impact on their overall health. Let’s look at a few key dos and don’ts of feeding your dog.

The Things to Do

Here are a few things you should follow.

Research Different Food Items

There are different food items that you can feed your dog. It includes raw ingredients that you can turn into a meal, treats, supplements and more. Look for healthy dog treats that have a rich nutritional composition.

Incorporating these in your dog’s diet will ensure that their body receives all essential vitamins and minerals. Each dog has different requirements based on their body type, breed and age. Consult with a veterinarian to get the best recommendations.

Have a Proper Feeding Schedule

It is extremely important to have a strict feeding schedule for your dog. Feed them at the same time and also keep the number of meals constant. For, eg, if you feed them thrice a day, then stick to that. Strict adherence to this will help regulate the digestion of your dog. It will also facilitate a sense of routine and help maintain their energy levels.

Constant Access to Fresh Water

Hydration is vital for the health of your dog. Your furry friend plays around all day and naturally requires sufficient water to combat the energy loss. Dogs usually require 1 oz. of water for each pound of their weight every day. The exact amount depends on the temperature of where you live and the activity level of your dog.

Also, a dog’s water bowl stays uncovered all day. This makes it subject to dust, dirt and other pollutants like flyaway hair strands and such. Keep a check on their water bowl and change the water at frequent intervals to make sure they get clean and fresh water each time.

Things to Avoid

Here are three things you should refrain from doing.

Avoid Table Scraps

Looking at your dog’s soulful eyes as they drool and stare at you while you eat might be too hard to ignore. But resist giving your dog leftovers from the table. The food you eat is high in sodium, calories and fat and is often not suitable for them. It can lead to weight gain along with other health issues. Stick to their diet and food that is aligned with their nutritional needs.

Let Them Eat in Peace

Your dog might be all up your personal space throughout the day, but when it comes to their own feeding time, they need peace. Do not play with their food or poke them. It can distract them, and they might not finish their meal. It can also trigger defensive behavior.

Don’t Overfeed

One major thing to always check is the amount of food you are giving your fur baby. Too much food and snacking can lead to obesity. It can strain their organs and joints and affect their activity levels. It can also result in more severe respiratory issues. Keep a light, balanced meals. If there is a long gap, then feed them with healthy dog treats that will keep them full and healthy.


The right food and routine can keep your dog healthy and happy. They will develop properly, and it will also add years to their life.

You can visit La Puptisserie, the leading crafters of tasty canine treats, if you are looking for healthy and delectable treats for your dog. From madeleines to biscuits, they have every form of a treat made from nutritious, dog-friendly ingredients.

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